The Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics (EGP)

The Association for the Study of EthnoGeoPolitics (EGP) or EthnoGeoPolitics in short, aims to further the knowledge on the cultural, social, religious, ethnic and (geo-)political characteristics, processes and developments in different areas of the world.
As a non-profit organisation, we seek to achieve this by:

  • offering guest lectures for existing courses, or courses developed by ourselves, related to ethnogeopolitics or kindred issues and disciplines at universities, institutes and colleges inside and outside the Netherlands.
  • encouraging debate on ethnogeopolitical topics and research findings, as presented in our new journal Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics (see link ‘Publications’).
  • providing or participating in teaching modules and materials on ethnogepolitical concepts, research methods, topics, regions and research findings for universities, institutes and colleges in and outside the Netherlands.
  • presenting papers, organising panels and giving lectures at conferences, symposia and other meetings in academia and meetings for the wider public (see link ‘Activities’)
  • providing Open Access through our license policy

Online prepublications

From 2023 onward, authors may get online prepublications of their contributions prior to their placement in the next issue or volume of our journal. Shown below are the first such prepublications.

Sheth Jerjis,  ‘ The educational biography of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the populist psychology ‘  Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics prepublication Vol.11 Nos.1-2 Winter 2023; available online a/o in print from 12 August 2023


Sheth Jerjis,  ‘ السيرة التعليمية لرجب طيب أردوغان والنفسية الشعبوية (The educational biography of Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the populist psychology) ‘  Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics prepublication Vol.11 Nos.1-2 Winter 2023; available online a/o in print from 18 August 2023


Volume 10 Number 1-2, Winter 2022

Jessee Zhang director World Culture Team at Lumumba Editions

We would like to introduce you to Ms. Jessee Zhang*, a Chinese native who is passionate about world culture.

She is an active member of the Pan-African Association for Youth Leadership and Training (APANAEFJ) and director of the World Culture Team at Lumumba Editions in DR Congo.

She recruits volunteers who want to share their passion for culture of their society in the books she subsidises to publish for free (only books about culture). If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact her (of course, she speaks English).

*: Zhang Shi in Chinese; she is also editor Chinese section in our journal Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics.