Frontpage Information, Contents, Guidelines
Ten Dam, Caspar, ‘State of the World and our Research Projects related to EthnoGeoPolitics: Observations on the Conundrum of Identities, Interests and Resolutions of Conflict by Diplomacy, Deterrence—or War’ (Editorial) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.9-35.
ی غلامرضا خواجه سرو (Gholamreza Khajeh-Sarvari) & محبوبه سادات قائمی طلب (Mahboubeh-Sadat Ghaemi-Talab), ‘ (The Impact of Political Discourses on Press Satire with Emphasis on Dennis McQuill’s Normative Theory)’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.36-79.
Anonymous, ‘Critical Responses to Khajeh-Sarvari & Ghaemi-Talab’s article in Persian and English’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.80-84:
‘ اولین پاسخ انتقادی (First Critical Response)’, p.80;
‘ دومین پاسخ انتقادی (Second Critical Response)’, p.81;
‘ سومین پاسخ انتقادی (Third Critical Response)’, p.82.
‘ چهارمین پاسخ انتقادی (Fourth Critical Response)’, p.83.
‘ Fifth Critical Response (only in English)’, p.84.
بک رضوانی (Babak Rezvani), ‘ تحلیل انتقادی گفتمانی و محتوایی طنز (Critical Discourse and Content Analyses of Satire)’ (Extensive Editorial Note to Khajeh-Sarvari & Ghaemi-Talab’s article in Persian and English) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.85-93.
Valentino, Rodolfo, ‘The Spiral of Domestic Violence – Why we see only the Top of the Iceberg’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.94-99.
Valentino, Rodolfo, ‘Die Gewaltspirale der häuslichen Gewalt – Warum man nur die Spitze des Eisbergs sieht’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.100-106.
Valentino, Rodolfo, ‘La Espiral de la Violencia Doméstica – ¿Por qué sólo vemos la punta del Iceberg?’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.107-113.
[Ten Dam, Caspar, ‘Editorial Note’ (to Rodolfo’s article) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, p.113.]
Ten Dam, Caspar, ‘Codes and Violence during the Chechen Wars’ (Main Article—Review Essay) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.114-136.
Sen, Pawan Kumar, ‘A New Nepali Republic: An Opportunity of Multicultural Identities’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.139-148.
Dorsey, James M., ‘Shaping US Middle East Policy amidst Failing States, Failed Democratisation and Increased Activism’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.149-156.
(Jerjis, Sheth), ‘ (The Emergence and Collapse of the Iraqi Turkmen Political System under the Domination of Turkey)’ Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.157-209.
Polański, Tomasz, ‘The Fate of the Journal Folia Orientala and the Worrying State of Classic Oriental Studies in Poland’ (Open Letter) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.210-214.
Giltay, Edwin F., ‘Moved by Esmir’ (Book Review) Forum of EthnoGeoPolitics Vol.9 Nos.1-2, Winter 2021, pp.215-217.